SunGuard Application
Morningstar’s SunGuard controller is a one module solar controller for professional and leisure markets.
SunSaver MPPT Lighting Application
The SunSaver MPPT is behind a service door at the base of the pole. “Photo courtesy of Inovus Solar, Inc. 2010”.
Street Lighting in Nigeria
Solar power street lighting in Nigeria utilizing 36 wattt LPS powered by 200 watt 24 volt panel using SunLight 10 amp 24 volt controller.
Solar Lighting in Mexico
Solar lighting application in Mexico using SunLight controllers.
Applications in Iran
Gahar area lighting, telecomm relay posts and home systems utlizing Morningstar SL10, SS-10, SS20L and PS-30 controllers. Gahar is only accessbile by horseback. It took three weeks to move equipment to this site. Customer is Iranian Environmental Protection Organization. Photo Courtesy of Gulf Solar Technologies
Colombia Off-Grid Home System
Application: Residential
Location: Colombia
Product: SHS 10
Partners include: Solar Plus, Super Fox
This off-grid solar home system in Colombia uses a Morningstar SHS 10 controller. The SHS is ideal for rural solar home systems in developing countries.
-Photo courtesy of Super Fox/Solar Plus
Solar in Ecuador Villages
Application: Rural Electrification
Location: Kunkup, Ecuador
Product: SHS controllers
Partners include: Green Empowerment
Morningstar’s SHS controller was specifically designed to meet the needs of rural solar home systems in developing countries. This one helps bring power to villagers in Kunkup, Ecuador.
-Photo courtesy of Green Empowerment
School Electrification in Nigeria
Application: Rural Electrification
Location: Nigeria
Morningstar’s ProStar solar controller helps electrify several schools in Benin City, Nigeria.
Residential Solar in Italy
Application: Residential
Location: Italy
Product: ProStar 30
Partners include: Ottowatt Impianti di Fabio Ottavi, Heliant Srl
This home solar application in Italy powers lighting and a refrigerator using a Morningstar ProStar 30 controller.
-Photo courtesy of Heliant Srl